Work at home scams just don’t pay

Experts say offers to work at home that seem too good to be true probably are. According to the U.S. Census, over four million people in the U.S. work at home every day and the numbers are increasing.

Proceed with caution warn U.S. Postal Inspectors, because many “offers” don’t deliver on the promises. Most “opportunities” will not guarantee regular salaried employment and many omit the fact that you have to work many hours without pay.
Some of the classic work-at-home scams include:

  • Envelope stuffing
  • Medical billing
  • Reshipping

Reshipping – one of the newer scams – involves receiving items ordered by the scam artist often using stolen credit card information. The scam victim then repackages the merchandise for shipment to a foreign country.

Whether they’re old or new, these scams have cost their victims thousands of dollars. Check out any offer before responding. Legitimate companies should provide information in writing about the program they are offering.

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