Oakland Country Bar Associations “Committee of the Year” chaired by Lipson Neilson Shareholder Sandra D. Glazier

June 6, 2016 – The Oakland County Bar Association’s Probate, Estate & Trust Committee, chaired by Lipson Neilson Shareholder Sandra Glazier, was honored as “Committee of the Year” during the 21st Annual OCBA Awards Ceremony held on June 2, 2016.

An attorney for more than 30 years, Sandra D. Glazier is well-known for her expertise in Probate Litigation, Estate Planning and Administration, and Family Law. An AVâ-Preeminent Rated attorney, Sandra’s articles have been published by some of the legal industry’s leading publications, and she has taught “Valuation for Federal, Estate and Gift Tax Purposes” to students in a Masters level course.

To learn more please visit www.lipsonneilson.com

Contact: Sandra D. Glazier
Phone: 248-593-5000
Email: sglazier@lipsonneilson.com